
iranian khatam kari (Marquetry Art)+How to make and use

Khatam Kari (Persian Marquetry Art)

iranian khatam kari, the most beautiful and difficult handicraft

what is Iranian khatam kari ?

khatam kari is one of the oldest and the most beautiful handicrafts in Iran and was first produced in the beautiful city of Shiraz . in Khatam Kari, metal, wood or bone is used and cut in the form of equilateral triangle .In each cubic centimeter of space about 250 pieces are laid side by side.

This art reached Iran form before the “ Safavid “ period  . Currently, there is a Minbar made with pre-Islamic “khatam kari” in the Aqiq Jameh ( a Mosque of Shiraz) and now, hundreds of iranian artists are engaged in making these amazing handicrafts.

Khatam Kari (Persian Marquetry Art)

Khatam Kari (Persian Marquetry Art)

Khatam Kari (Persian Marquetry Art)

Khatam Kari (Persian Marquetry Art)


Khatam Kari table (Persian Marquetry Art) – viokagallery 

what is the Materials of Khatam?

Wood : ebony, Areca wood, jujube, zelkova, logwood, walnut, orange, and boxwood

Metal: brass, copper, gold or silver wires

Bone: calf and hand bone of camel or horse, elephant ivory

How is Khatam Kari made?

In order to make the seal, first the design of the desired shape is drawn by the master craftsman, and these wooden, bone and metal triangles are put together by the skillful and masterful hands of the artist using “Srisham” and are attached and secured by thread.
With special tools, they cut each piece of wood and metal to a diameter of 1 to 5.2 mm and a length of 30 cm. After this action, they become triangles that are shaped into the desired shape with a file.

Khatam Kari (Persian Marquetry Art)

Khatam Kari (Persian Marquetry Art)

Khatam Kari (Persian Marquetry Art)

Khatam Kari (Persian Marquetry Art)

Khatam Kari (Persian Marquetry Art)

* How to maintain your “ Khatam Kari “

All “Khatamkari” crafts should be kept away from heat, humidity and direct sunlight

to clean this craft, you can simply wipe them with a dry tissue

Avoid using any polishes and detergents on the “Khatam” surface.

Where can I buy Khatam Kari?

Vioka Gallery is one of the largest producers of handicrafts in Iran. Contact us and make beautiful your life with a variety of Khatam Kari products and Persian handicrafts !


khatam kari box | Persian Marquetry Art | for jewelry



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